MLA-L Mediator Annual Report 2022

submitted by Steve Landstreet

Current Roster

  • Steve Landstreet, MLA-L Mediator, 2021

List of Previous Goals and Progress Made

  1. Try to improve on the widespread negative feelings regarding the tenor of MLA-L.
    • During the 2021-22 FY there were no reported problems on MLA-L (at least any that were brought to my attention!)
  2. Lower the “unsubscribe” numbers for MLA-L.
    • Without requesting statistics as such I heard from Misti Shaw that the number of MLA-L subscribers is not on a downward trend.
  3. No progress was attained during FY21-22 towards a special officer manual for this role; for the recruitment of an Assistant Mediator; for specific training for the role; or to finalize establishment of a review panel for the role. Given the paucity of problems to be dealt with in FY21-22, I’m not convinced that any of these are absolutely essential for this special officer role.

List of Future Goals

  1. MLA-L should continue to be a major form of outreach and information sharing, both within and beyond the association.
    • MLA-L is especially vital to Goal 2 (Develop and Retain Membership) but affects the other three Goal areas as well. I view the Mediator’s role as helping to keep the tenor of the list as collegial and helpful to its subscribers as possible.