Call for Nominations 2021: MLA Board Members-at-Large and MLA Citation

The 2021 MLA Nominating Committee welcomes nominations for:


The President serves as the executive officer and official representative of the Music Library Association. The President’s term is two years (2023-2025); it follows the one-year term of Vice-President/President-Elect (2022-2023) and succeeds to the one-year term of Past President (2025-2026). Incumbents may not succeed themselves. Candidates for Vice President/President-Elect must be personal members of the Association and members of IAML

Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary records and distributes the minutes of the business meetings of the Association and the meetings of the Board of Directors. The Recording Secretary is elected by the membership for a term of two years (2022-2024). Incumbents may succeed themselves. Candidates for Recording Secretary must be personal members of the Association.

Three Members-at-Large to serve on the Board of Directors for a two-year term (2022-2024)

Board members represent the membership as they carry out the Association’s work. The three incoming Board members will be selected by the President to serve as Assistant Parliamentarian, Assistant Planning and Reports Officer, or Assistant Fiscal Officer. Nominations should reflect the entire range and nature of the work of the Association’s members. Incumbents may not succeed themselves. Candidates for office must be personal members of the Association.

We are especially eager to create a slate of candidates that represents the diverse personal and professional aspects of our membership, and ask that you consider this when proposing nominations. Self-nominations are also welcome. The Nominating Committee will consider all nominations received and narrow to a final slate, which will then be sent to the Board for approval.

The MLA Citation

The MLA Citation, the Association’s tribute for lifetime achievement, is awarded in recognition of contributions to the profession over a career. MLA membership need not be a pre-requisite to the receiving of a citation, but the recipient should have contributed to the national affairs of the Association and to the furthering of the Association’s aims, even if not via MLA directly.

Resources for more detailed information:

Nominating Committee does not retain nominations or nomination letters from one year to the next (including for the MLA Citation). If you previously submitted a Board member nomination but that individual was not elected, or an MLA Citation nomination but that individual was not selected for the award, we encourage you to resubmit for consideration this year.

Please send your recommendations by Monday, May 31, 2021 to one of the Nominating Committee members listed below. Please include:

  • The institutional affiliation for each proposed candidate
  • A very brief justification for your recommendation
  • Whether you have discussed your nomination with the individual and obtained their approval in advance

Thank you for participating in this important process. The continued vitality and growth of MLA is dependent on the outstanding contributions of its members, and your nominations are critical to recruiting the leadership that the Association needs.

Warmest regards,

MLA Nominating Committee

Steve Landstreet, landstreet at gmail com
Joe Clark, jclark88 at kent edu
Kimmy Szeto, Kimmy.Szeto at baruch cuny edu
Evans, Bruce, Bruce_Evans at baylor edu
Jessica Abbazio, jabbazio at umn edu