MLA is pleased to launch a Micro-Grant Program in Support of its Strategic Plan. This pilot program aims to facilitate MLA committees’ timely access to funding for projects or initiatives that support the Association’s progress toward its 2022-2030 Strategic Plan. Funding through the Program can range from $100-300 for small grants, $400-600 for medium grants, and $700-900 for large grants. Occasionally, and based on funds availability, the Program may also support applications that require funding above $1,000.
Examples include, but are not limited to, hiring a graphic designer to produce an infographic, hiring a student to help with an environmental scan exercise, inviting an expert or a consultant to work with a committee on a specific topic, and funding to produce educational videos or events.
For more information about the Program, including the list of Program liaisons, the application process, and timelines, please visit:
While the Program is designed to allow submissions throughout the calendar year, two calls for applications will be sent as reminders to MLA’s listserv, MLA-L. For any questions, please contact the Planning Officer, Houman Behzadi, or any of the Program liaisons.
Thanks to the Planning Committee (Houman Behzadi, chair, Angela Pratesi, Jason Imbesi, Chuck Peters, and Michelle Rivera) for their initiative and work in launching the Micro-Grant Program.
Featured Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash