Newly Appointed Positions for 2022

Congratulations to the following people who have been elected and appointed to positions within MLA, as announced at the business meeting on March 5, 2022:

Board positions:
Vice-President/President Elect: Paula Hickner
Recording Secretary: Veronica Wells
Assistant Fiscal Officer: Katie Buehner
Assistant Planning and Reports Officer: Sonia Archer-Capuzzo
Assistant Parliamentarian: Ray Heigemeir
Student/Early Career Representative to the Board: Elizabeth Uchimura

Special Officers:
Assistant Chief Financial Officer: Serena Vaquilar
Assistant Membership Management Officer: Melissa Moll
Membership Management Officer: Jason Imbesi

Basic Manual Series Editor: Melanie Zeck
Index & Bibliography Series Editor: Lois Kuyper-Rushing
Open Access Editor: Matthew Vest

Many thanks all of those who were willing to run for the elected board positions, and to the respective search committees in recruiting and interviewing candidates for the Special Officers and Editors.